
Lecture Magdeburg 2001 - Slide 62

Aus Transnational-Renewables

Lecture Magdeburg [2001,en], Vortrag Lübeck [2006,de], Lecture Barcelona [2008,en], Vortrag EWEA 2000 [2000,en]
Vorstellung regenerativer Energien: Biomasse, Windenergie, Fallwindkraftwerke, Geothermie, Wasserkraft, Solarenergie

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So we would need this 9% as backup energy and a rated backup power of 26% of the wind turbine capacity.

This could be produced from gas turbines, which cost roughly 250 €/kW. (In the last years the market for gas turbines has grown considerably and therefore, the prices almost doubled to 500 €/kW in 2001.) The investment in the backup system is about 7% of the investment in the wind turbines. If we now consider producing the equivalent of the demand from wind Energy. For the demand EU & Norway we need to install 660 GW to within all regions.