
Lecture Barcelona 2008 - Slide 19

Aus Transnational-Renewables

Lecture Magdeburg [2001,en], Vortrag Lübeck [2006,de], Lecture Barcelona [2008,en], Vortrag EWEA 2000 [2000,en]
Vorstellung regenerativer Energien: Biomasse, Windenergie, Fallwindkraftwerke, Geothermie, Wasserkraft, Solarenergie



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Base Case Scenario The promising results for the base-case scenario – which assumes an electricity supply system implemented entirely with current technology using only renewable energies at today’s costs for all components – indicate that electricity could be produced and transported to the local grids at costs below 4.7 €ct/kWh, which hardly differs from the case of conventional generation today. (At gas prices in 2007 of about 2.89 €ct/kWh (8.04 €/GJ) for industrial consumers in the EU-27 or 4 €ct/kWh in Germany, electricity costs from newly erected combined-cycle gas power stations calculationally had already reached significantly higher at 6 - 7 €ct/kWhel with EU gas prices or 8 – 9 €ct/kWhel with German gas prices for industrial consumers. Also the prices for cheap base load electricity e.g. at the EEX are higher than the costs of electricity in the base-case scenario and already reached more than 6 €ct/kWhel.) In this scenario, nearly 70% of the electricity originates from wind energy produced from wind turbines with a rated power of 1040 GW. Biomass and existing hydroelectric power plants provide most of the backup required within the supply area, in which the individual regions are strongly interconnected via HVDC transmission lines. Electricity is generated from biomass at 6.6 €ct/kWhel after revenues from heat sales have been factored in (in the meantime prices for biomass are risen considerably). This resulting costs for electricity from biomass lie significantly above the average price level, yet the backup capability of biomass fired power plants is essential to reduce the overall cost of the entire system. About 42% of the electricity produced is interregionally transmitted via the HVDC-System whereby the total transmission losses sum up to 4.2% of the electricity produced. Another 3.6% loss is production which neither can be consumed at the time it is produced nor be stored for later use within the pumped storage plants and therefore would be produced in excess. These two losses may be considered quite acceptable for an electricity supply only using renewable energies.